You throw yourself on one knee in front of her and read something from Shakespeare.
For sure, she will tell friends about this case at a party, and it will be a scary story for her.
I don’t know what courses they teach this, but all these cheap tricks are like: “Call the police! “It’s a crime to be so beautiful!” and the NLP tricks are counted one or two times.
The methods make you banal too, and that’s not exactly what she’s interested in.
Maybe that’s your character, but this is exactly the case when you have to overcome yourself.
You can go straight to her and say, “I’m very timid, but for your sake I’ll try to get over the tightness.”
Yeah, she might be married or not in the mood. And she has the right to say, “No.”
The world won’t collapse after that, but you tried.
Because she can also say “Yes.”