
Our Blogs

Ментальное отличие: как иметь успешные отношения

Декабрь 28, 2020 1:31 пп

Today we see representatives of almost every culture on Earth here, in LA.
It’s quite difficult to find love: the value of Russian borscht is relative and the cult of Tnx-giving-day-turkey as well.
So, here you are, trying to find partner in a beautiful sunny city. And suddenly the difference in mentality has been appeared. Oh, well, thanks.

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10 важных фактов о русских девушках

Декабрь 28, 2020 1:33 пп

The beauty of Russian girls has already become a stereotype and a national treasure.
More and more men are looking at them as potential wives.

Is it really so? Let’s find out!

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Идеальное свидание: видение леди

Декабрь 28, 2020 1:34 пп

In the most girlish series “Sex and the City” there’s a scene when the main character, Carrie, is all set up for a stunning evening.
But! The guy arrived on a motorcycle.
I don’t remember exactly how it ended there, but he obviously had an episodic role.
And not of the Man of Her Dreams.
All the girls secretly hope to be the princess of their favorite show.
After all, Carrie’s got that PERFECT DATE (with another guy, for sure).
Итак, каковы ингредиенты этого особенного вечера?

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10 самых распространенных ошибок при знакомстве с девушкой

Декабрь 22, 2020 2:44 пп

Представляете: вот она, та самая, в ней все как хочешь.

Oops! Panic:
What do I need to say?
What to do?
She’s passing by, and you decide to do something.

Wait! First, hold the list, what NOT to do:

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Дейтинг агентство: как это работает?

Декабрь 22, 2020 5:59 пп

Now I’m literally going to tell you on my fingers what a matchmaking is and how I’m going to help you find your love.

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